EROARE MYSQL: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') group by order by ordine1, ordine2 desc limit 3' at line 1
QUERY: select ci.*, count(civ.info_vot) i_votanti, coalesce(round(avg(civ.info_vot_scor)*100)/100, 0) i_scor, m.m_pseudonim i_autor_nume, if(count(civ.info_vot) < 20, 2, 1) ordine1, avg(civ.info_vot_scor) ordine2 from clas_informatii ci inner join clas_info_voturi civ on = civ.info_vot_info left outer join membri m on ci.info_autor = m.m where ci.info_subcat IN() group by order by ordine1, ordine2 desc limit 3

EROARE MYSQL: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') group by co.oferta order by nrprecom desc limit 3' at line 1
QUERY: select co.*, f.firma_nume oferta_autor_nume, count(*) nrprecom from clas_oferte co inner join clas_oferte_precomenzi cop on co.oferta = cop.precom_oferta left outer join clas_firme f on co.oferta_firma = f.firma where co.oferta_exp > now() and co.oferta_subcat IN() group by co.oferta order by nrprecom desc limit 3
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